Recovery Center Services
Reach One offers proactive peer engagement and services for people with psychiatric diagnoses and/or chemical addiction in Dutchess, Ulster, Orange and Rockland Counties. The Mid-Hudson Regional Recovery Center provides traditional peer support, educational opportunities, integrated social and recreational activities, assistance with employment and health home integration. For more information on our Recovery Center Services, please call (845) 565-1162 x251
If you live in… | Organization To Call | Phone Number |
Orange County | Independent Living, Inc. | 845-565-1162 |
Rockland County | Rockland County Mental Health Association of Rockland County | 845-267-2172 x292 |
Dutchess or Ulster County | PEOPLe, Inc. | 845-452-2728 |

Onward Recovery
What is Onward?
- A Recovery Community and Outreach Center that is safe, welcoming and alcohol/drug-free for any member of the community
- We serve seven counties: Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster and Westchester
- We meet you where you’re – physically and emotionally
- Recovery coaches and volunteers provide the same lived experiences of trauma, substance use, and recovery
- We provide mentorship and take an active approach to recovery
- Free Narcan training and kits available
- Various weekly group activities provided
- All services are offered at no cost to you regardless of income
Who We Serve
- Anyone 18 and older affected by substance use
Purpose and Goals
- Provide intensive peer support
- Assist in providing alternatives to hospitalization or incarceration
- Assistance accessing treatment; inpatient/outpatient and medication assistant treatment
- Promote gainful employment
- Encourage people to take charge of their recovery
- Provide group activities and outreach
- Maximize existing resources
- Infuse & promote social inclusion
- Provide volunteer opportunities
How We Help…
Intensive Peer Support
- Using our own stories to assist you in moving forward in your recovery
- One to one guidance, support and encouragement
Recovery Support
- Life skills coaching
- Wellness mentoring
- Turning crisis into opportunities
Vocational Support
- Accessing work incentives
- Benefits and entitlements counseling
- Identifying employment options
Sober Social Activities
- Cultural and recreational events
- Social and community gatherings
- Volunteer opportunities
Community Connections
- Identifying and accessing community resources
- Moving from services to natural supports in your community
- Recovery community network building
Onward Recovery
Hudson Valley Recovery Community & Outreach Center
319 Broadway, 2nd Floor (entrance on Ann Street)
Newburgh, NY 12550
Phone: (845) 565-1162 ext. 453
Fax: (845) 565-0567
Office Hours
Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 9 am – 5 pm
Tuesday & Thursday: 9 am – 7 pm
Saturday: 9 am – 1 pm