White background with repeating I AM image. Text reads 'I AM... a Peer, and though I do not necessarily identify as having a disability, I advocate for the disabled community like the family WE are. by abby m peer recovery specialist'I AM…

A Disability Pride Campaign

In a world that views disability as a condition needing a cure, Disability Pride Month celebrates the diversity in disability and is a chance to elevate the intense passion and unwavering pride within people with disabilities.

Join us in our “I AM…” campaign to define your own identity. 

Disability Pride is a deeply personal and individual experience. It recognizes that disability is not a monolithic concept and that each person’s understanding and connection to it may differ. Disability Pride encompasses a diverse range of perspectives, allowing individuals with disabilities to celebrate their own unique identities. Simultaneously, it extends beyond the disability community, welcoming allies who engage in and advocate for disability rights and inclusion.

Together, we celebrate and embrace Disability Pride; let’s collaborate and educate to break down environmental and attitudinal barriers, and create a future where inclusivity and diversity is the standard.

Together, we are a powerful force to transform society and the rights of people with disabilities. Are you ready? I AM.

Share how YOU define your identity with an I AM… statement below.

Example –

I AM a peer who is able to help other people with disabilities because of my lived experience with my disability. I AM thankful for my disability because it helped bring me to a career that I know is where I AM meant to be.

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